Saturday – No News Is Good News

Chris woke up Saturday morning and said, “No visitors today, Kell. I’m tired. All I want is lemonade from concentrate.” Anyone that knows Chris, knows he’s a diabetic and this is a drink that was a no-no, therefore, would not be in our house. So like the game show, I used my dial a friend (well family) option and got the man some lemonade from concentrate. Needless to say, the acidic drink did not settle well and did not stay down long. But at least he got to taste a few sips. 

During the morning, he stayed awake while Preston got ready for his soccer game. And again, if anyone knows Preston knows that he likes to debate his way on any instructions you give him. So during this morning “Get Ready For Your Game” debate, Chris yelled, “Preston, just listen to your mom!” Preston looked at me and said, “Never thought I’d say it but it’s good to hear dad yell.” Not sure why but this struck us as pretty darn funny and gave us a good morning laugh. 

Chris slept most of the morning and afternoon. He did wake in the late afternoon for a few hours, during which he instructed Tyler and I how to change the battery back up’s that he purchased a few weeks earlier and gave us a map on our home network. Yes, he has our home set up like a business’s network. It’s Chris, would you expect anything less?

I realized during this discussion that I can be strong in front of him when learning about all the many, many, many household items he took care of and now getting a crash course in. But when he started to talk about disassembling his work desk, I’m not sure why, but it hit me hard. The image of coming down to work in our office and not seeing him there ever again is out of all of this horrible nightmare the one thing that brings me to break down the most. I’m sure I will run across others as time moves on, but for a very long time, I think I will leave his desk as is. 

The hospice nurse did a visit in the evening and said his lungs were clear and his blood pressure was good. For us, we’ll take it. So all in all it was a good uneventful family day, with lots of downtime spent in our comfy clothes.

7 comments on “Saturday – No News Is Good News

  1. All I can say is Chris you are one hell of an amazing man. I love you!❤️😘
    You will always be The Godfather!!!

  2. Sounds like it was overall a good day. Sorry about the lemonade, though. You guys are hanging tough and doing it together!! Miss you all. Thanks for the update. ❤️

  3. Sounds like a wonderful day. I’m sure that makes everyone’s heart happy, I know it does ours. You guys are the best! We love you all so much.

  4. Remembering all the good times, the four of us or the 5 of us. I am remembering “ The Play”, the Brandy Alexander. The making sure we could get to Asia. Trying to figure out what would we be considered a cool restaurant. We will always have the happy memories.

  5. Always the planner! I’ll never forget the girls day he planned for us! We had so much fun that day away from Sandy Pines…I for one loved the minute by minute itinerary! I also can’t forget how he pulled me in to group and treated me like I belonged there! It’s a tad intimidating coming into such an amazing group of people as an outsider, his hospitality and love of entertaining (and sharing his drinks) will never be forgotten! Lots of love, thoughts and prayers coming your way!

  6. Just needed to take a minute to let you know you are on my mind right now. Love you and God bless, Aunt Pudge

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