Friday – Things just got real

Another Friday has passed – that makes 2 if you are counting. When we thought we wouldn’t see one. In some ways, it’s getting easier. We’ve settled into a new norm, Chris is down to only taking his “itchy” pill (high liver enzymes cause itching) and nighttime sleeping pills. No pain pills, no water pills, no heart meds, no diabetic meds. His excessive water weight is almost back to where we started in Nov – before a lot of this hell broke loose. So he’s able to move around easier. But what isn’t getting better is the bile that builds in his tummy and comes up at least once, sometimes twice a day. He is on day 6 of no eating, although he asked for a handful of Cheerios this morning but never ate them because he feared he’d just throw them up. Don’t get us wrong, we know that the Cancer is what’s literally sucking the life out of him. But it just seems crazy how the body still tries to heal itself. And for these items appearing to be better, we are thankful. I’m not sure I could sit by and watch if he was in continuous pain. 

This afternoon Chris did work his one hour with the person who’s taking over his position. When it was done and I got him into bed, he was frowning terrible. I asked what was wrong and he said, ” I just can’t believe that one hour of moving the mouse around exhausts me. It’s just so wrong.” I asked if he wanted to stop and his quick reply was, “Oh no, I need to do this.” I giggled, as that is my husband.

Tonight came some excitement for both of us. Chris couldn’t get comfortable so he decided to have me help him to the couch to sit next to me. His head went from my shoulder to my lap to spinning down to a kneeling position on the floor with his head on the couch. This is the position he usually goes to if he’s not comfortable. I know, crazy. Used to scare the daylights out of the nurses in the hospital. I didn’t think much until he said, “Can you help me up?” Now I have gotten pretty darn good at learning how to maneuver him, but this time gravity was not in our favor. I tried my usual trick and completely down he went to the floor. Don’t worry, it was a slow slide down. The only thing hurt was his pride. We had to do some quick thinking and planning but made things happen by using a step stool that he could bring himself back up on and then I was able to push from behind. We got him standing back up and he says, “I think I better get back into bed, huh?” Umm.. yeah. 

So as for excitement these days, that’s about as exciting as it’s gotten. How was yours?

12 comments on “Friday – Things just got real

  1. I know it’s cathartic to share these special moments with your friends that care for you both so much. It only confirms that you both are generous and amazing as you ever have been in the past. Kellie, your openness is helping all of us with this process as well. Cathy and I are so grateful for your friendship and inspired by your love.

  2. So thankful for Chris getting relief from the pain. You two make a good team. It’s a wonderful thing that God brought the two of you together. ❤️❤️

  3. Thinking of you all each day. You have immense strength that I have always admired. Your comments about how strange it is that the world keeps going even when yours is falling apart, brought back memories of Dane’s journey with his mom. Keep writing, hugging, laughing. ❤️

  4. It takes a special kind of Love for a couple to be able to go thorough something like this. Chris always makes me chuckle with his remarks. To be able to find anything humorous in this situation is a gift in itself..
    God bless you both!

  5. The love and support you and Chris have for each other is so beautiful and strong. I am happy for you both for each day you have been blessed with to cherish each other. It is so courageous of you to share some of what you all go through each day. I am honored to be able to support you through witnessing your journey..
    Love you both. Give Chris a hug. I am continuously praying for all of you.

  6. Kellie and Chris, you are going through something that NO ONE should ever have to experience. There are no words to take away the pain or make it easier. It is a blessing to know that you have each other’s strength and many friends and family praying for you!! If there is absolutely anything you need, we are here for you! We love you guys!

  7. Kellie, our hearts are just breaking as we read this, and at the same time we are so proud of you both. We send all of our love to your sweet family, and all our prayers.

  8. We are so glad he’s not in pain you both truly amaze me they way you are handling this 😘XOXO

  9. We just got back and caught up on all your updates. You guys are the most amazing people we know!
    Our love and prayers are always with you.

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