Thankful Tuesday

I sit here and think about what to share, what to keep private for Chris’s respect and what to be thankful for. So tonight I decided to share how thankful I am for all of you. My heart is so overwhelmed with the amount of caring and support you all have shown.

This morning I was rushing around to get Preston to school before Chris woke up so his 84-year-old Grandma Betty who lives with us wouldn’t have to do anything. I rushed out the door and came to a stop when I saw my freshly shoveled driveway. When I came back from my quick run, there in front of my garage door was a care box filled with goodies, dinner, and the most important coping tool…wine. I’ve had so many wonderfully kind actions done by so many, but for some reason, these two generous gifts of kindness this morning just put this gal who’s had so little sleep over the edge. But instead of tears with complete sorrow, they were tears of complete gratefulness. For as sucky of a situation as this is, and it’s got to be the ultimate top of the sucky list, we are truly thankful for how it is going.

It may sound crazy, but even when Chris was able to talk to me we would share how fortunate we are. This tragic, life-altering event could and has wiped out many families. With the type of jobs we have, we were able to work throughout all the chemo treatments, hospital stays and now being at home for Chris’s transition into his next adventure. I will never get tired of seeing those nurses faces when they would get a “Shhh, I’m on a meeting call” from Chris in his hospital bed. Or the hospice nurse watching in amazement 2 Friday’s ago when he held 4 wrap up meetings from his hospice bed. The amazing caregivers along the way, with knowledgeable surgeons and one of the most top-notch oncologist that somewhere along the road became a dear friend. And the amount of support that we received from our few friends and family that we let in on Chris’s cancer. The private man that he is. The support of families including Preston in on their weekend activities because it was chemo weekend, therefore, Chris not being able to do much. We have stories and good memories of many times that we would say to each other, “We sure are fortunate, aren’t we.”

Really, to be able to have your financial situation stay the same until a week ago, to be in your own home, a week to say many personal goodbyes, give your wife a crash course in home care and bill paying needs, a hospice nurse that meets our every need before we know we need it, to a week of quiet family time that has allowed privacy for a slow decline into the next journey of life. If only we can all transition this way.

10 comments on “Thankful Tuesday

  1. Truly so many blessings in the life of your family. This in no way minimizes your pain, but so grateful to hear of your many blessings. ((Hug))

  2. Beautifully and wonderfully said… Kellie I am truly amazed by the words God gives you for everyday of this transition…

    Thank you for sharing these days with us, so we can be apart of the understanding!

  3. So beautifully said Kelly. You two have been blessed. Everyday I am amazed how you walk thru this transition with so much gratitude and Beauty. You write your thoughts very well.

  4. My name is Mike and I was the guy who detailed your vehicles. My prayers for the entire family! Sending unlimited positive energy to you my friend! 🙏🏾 . If there’s anything I can do or help with please don’t hesitate to ask. Peace be with you! Appreciate you sir!

  5. Thank you for the updates and all the support you have is great friends are a precious thing 🤗

  6. You are showing us how strong and vulnerable you are. How priviledged are we to witness and walk with you on this very raw road that leads to the end of Chris’s physical life. What you are teaching us through this incredible grace of yours is priceless.

  7. I am so truly sorry to hear this news. I work with Chris. Our manager just shared this site with us and without reading all of the entries yet I’m a little caught up. Cancer is an awful beast that has no prejudice. It truly has been an honour to work with you Chris. I wish you peace and comfort. I wish your wife and family great strength. Keep fighting as long as you can. May God bless you.

  8. Kellie…..we have never met but I have worked with Chris for many many years. For the longest time, the only communication I had with Chris was through email and conference calls. Fortunately that changed a long time ago as well. I have always had a tight bond with him and we both had mutual respect for each other. His character, concern for others, and his compassion can not be matched. I want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with Chris, you, and your family.

  9. Thinking of Chris. All the fun memories. One that really sticks out was when he, Mary, and I went to the Zoo(the gay bar). What a great time! I remember how Chris likes to dance and dance he did at the Zoo! What a great time! I love you Chris!
    Ron and Steph Schneider

  10. So true Kellie! You and Chris are so blessed and we all love and adore your family and the life that the two of you created! We are all lucky to be part of this journey with you, thank you for sharing!!! His legacy is going to live on through you, Preston and Tyler. All my love xoxoxo

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