Saturday – just Saturday

Not much to update on. In a way that’s good. It was just an ordinary Saturday in our new norm. The highlight was Chris eating about 6 Cheerios and keeping them down. I asked how they tasted and he said what do you think as he was humming while he chewed. Anyone who has ever shared a meal with Chris knew that when he was humming while he ate, it was a good meal. 

Preston said at the beginning of the week that he wanted one more Superbowl with Chris, looks like he’ll get it. 

On a “real note” – Chris is getting more and more distant. He doesn’t talk much, doesn’t want to do any more home preparations with me. I know it’s part of the process and again I cannot even begin to image what he is thinking. It’s just so hard to see my guy who was always on the go, always cooking up the next adventure, just existing. Chris was never one to just exist. I miss him coming around the corner saying, “KK – let’s go for a ride with the top down.” or “KK – let’s run off to Chicago for the weekend.” And I even miss the long drawn out “K…K…” when I did or asked something that he couldn’t believe I was doing or asking. 

To end on a “happier note” – I asked Chris if he dreamed while he slept. He nodded yes. I asked what he dreamt about? He simply said “Us.”

That is my husband.


8 comments on “Saturday – just Saturday

  1. I am continuing to pray for you all as you travel the different levels of this journey. I am sorrowful for the losses you are experiencing and deeply touched by the moments you treasure as a couple and as a family. Much love to you all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. The two of you have created such a special life together and have shared so many happy times with people who greatly respect and love you. Thank you for sharing this part of your journey too. One day, I think you will be happy to have this to reflect back on and really remember these days, the same way that I now look forward to seeing old posts in memory of my dad. Especially, the anecdotal parts.

    We will continue to keep praying for all of you and sending you lots of love and good vibes. ❤️

  3. It brings tears to my eyes for you guys because of all the loss and sorrow you have experienced on this journey. Letting go is so hard. However, You both have had lots of fun, funny, and love between you and I hope it helps to focus on that. I am glad Preston and Chris can share one more Super Bowl. You two are so brave and I am grateful for your updates. I am praying for all of you. Love you.

  4. I just got this news from Derek and Cathy. I was just thinking of Chris the other day. I have a picture of Chris, Derek, and me at Fort Custer after mountain biking. Chris is so much like my brother: direct, but with compassion and respect. Chris, I will always remember your laughter, your smile, and your infectious attitude.

    My hope is that all of you will be able to find peace.

  5. That sure is the Chris…I’m just sure that he is dreaming of the special life you have had together!… You all are constantly in our thoughts. Please let us know if we can help you in any way.

  6. Dear Chris: I hope you get this message from me. It has been years since I saw you last. But that doesn’t meant i don’t think of you often.

    As a matter of fact here we are on Super Bowl Sunday again. Through the years I have ALWAYS had a memory or two of you, every Super Bowl Sunday! Oh how you loved the commercials and half time shows! Like a kid full of glee. And that always stuck with me.

    So on this Super Bowl Sunday I am thinking of you my dear friend. It has been years but you never left my mind and you have been part of those who have shaped me into who I am today. You were very much a part of my life in Kalamazoo. You, Nancy, Ron, Stephanie, Cindi. Oh the good times we had!

    Sending you a millions hugs my dear. If there is a Bible nearby: Job 23:10.

    Love, Mary De Vries-Romanak

    • ANd I forgot to mention you were the best dancer Bourbon Street ever saw! Techno was your thing and you did it well!

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