
Today started off pretty darn rocky. Our goal was a shower. All I can say is thank God for the hospice nurse! She had all the tricks and made it a really wonderful experience for Chris while keeping his dignity. I cannot thank her enough. We would check in on him and he kept saying, “Just 5 more minutes guys, 5 more minutes.” That is how wonderful a simple shower was – meant the world to him.

We had a wonderful visit from his 2 aunts, uncle and Grandma Simmons who live out east and drove over in one day to see their guy. We had some yummy food, good laughs at Young Chris stories and some heartful tears of goodbye. It was an important visit for Chris and it turned out perfect.

My crew (family) drove 40 minutes for a visit that was way too short for Chris. He woke from a short nap after they left and said he wished he could have stayed awake to visit more with them. We both agreed that it’s pretty darn special that they made the trip and even sweeter that our 2 nephews took the time to tag along. He shared that he has really grown over the years to think of them as his family and cares deeply for them.

I read him all the messages that came in today. His heart is so full that people take the time to leave them and send them in other ways to us. From our Sandy Pines crew, there was this recurring theme of the trailer couch rides and “Blackman Secret” on mixing drinks and grilling. Those made him giggle out loud. It was such a good sound to hear. So thankful for that.

Tonight we had a quiet moment while sitting next to each other and reflexed over our day and our goals for tomorrow – this seems to be our routine of late. It was during this that Chris shared with me just how much he loved me and what a wonderful life he had. No regrets he said. That to me sounds like a pretty good life and I’m so thankful he let me share it with him.

12 comments on “Thursday

  1. I continue to be in awe at the bravery and strength you are facing this with. It sounds weird to say this, but I feel like you might understand how I mean it – this period of time is such a beautiful gift for you. Not everyone gets advance notice of when they might be leaving this earth. You’ve been able to tie up loose ends, say goodbyes, and make sure nothing is left unsaid. It is extremely emotional, but like Chris said himself, no regrets. ❤️

  2. Chris we have known each other too short a time but I have truly enjoyed the opportunity to call u friend. I love how real and sincere you are how dedicated to what you believe, do, and your passion to being the best you can be. I know the next journey will be your best . Love u brother

  3. So glad to hear all the visits went well. A busy day for you guys. Debbie called tonight and we were trying to imagine what heaven will be like when all the angels have to do penalty shots. I think Chris gave us all many great times with no regrets. ❤️

  4. Morning Kellie and Chris,
    How sweet and precious is your time together 😍 It is a reminder that we all need to enjoy the moment and forget all the silly bull____ !!!! Love to all

  5. Kelly this is a beautiful site you created for all of us to see Chris and is joys and struggles. You are a blessing.

  6. Dear Chris and Kellie,
    Please know that my silence to this point is not lack of care. Unfortunately, words do not come easy to me, nor do I feel as eloquent and poetic as many of our friends, but I did want to share a few things.
    The first time we met you we immediately liked you. Then we had the opportunity to have some time together and discuss our lives and at this point I was so grateful to meet you. In a point in our lives, when we felt so much turmoil and felt alone, you made us feel “normal” and we had someone in our lives that understood, truly understood. Thank you. You never judged us for our troubles.
    Chris, I will always remember our few private conversations about the joy and hardships of being a “step parent”. As a man of, “life lessons”, you have truly taught us how to live our lives to the fullest.
    Not only were there penalty shots, but also the best pancakes I have EVER had in my entire life. No butter or syrup required. Your cornbread is not to shabby either…..but those pancakes……..oh my.
    Thank you for your friendship, guidance, and support in our lives. See you on the other side Peanut Brittle Head. We love you..
    Tom, Amy and the boys.

  7. Chris,
    It is my absolute honor to have met you and get to know you better over the last few summer’s at Sandy Pines. I am truly blessed to call you a friend. I thankyou for paying for me to play golf with you it was a blast!! and I thankyou for the breakfasts you cooked to get our day started. The world would definitely be a better place if there were more people like you in it, you are one of a kind!!! I’m sure one day we will meet again and play some golf until then Peace Be With You my brother. You are loved by many!
    Love, Dave
    (Jody’s cousin from Sandy Pines)

  8. Hi Chris, remember the first time you came into the cashier office to get change. I poked you in the tummy. You giggled like the pilsbury dough boy.

  9. Chris, sitting here listening to Al Green’s Lets Get Together and the 1st thing I think is Pulp Fiction and then i th i nk of how much we loved that movie. When I saw the previews that The X Files was coming back a few weeks ago, 1st thing i thought was if you’d seen the previews. When I call my daughter a bucket head or a turd bucket, it came from you. It’s hilarious when she says it to me. I’ve told many people the story about how you drive down the road and randomly bark at people and the times you have rolled down the window while stopped and you say to another car “Pardon me but would you have any Grey Poupon?” So hilarious to see peoples faces when you do that stuff…lol. Thanks for all the fun times and that funny laugh. You will be missed bucket head. Love you, Andrea

  10. Chris,

    You are an amazing guy! Such a gracious host, a great and talented coworker and an incredibly dedicated man to friends and family. I’m heartbroken to hear the news but I want to express to you how much I loved working with you and your friendship during our time together at HP. May God bless you and give you, Kellie and Preston peace during this unthinkably hard time.


  11. Just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts daily. Kellie, thank you for sharing updates. I admire your family’s strength and openness during this most difficult time. Cherish each other!!

  12. Sounds like a very good day, today. Chris, I will never forget that surprise evening for Kellie that you made happen at The Union, your proposal. It was so nice to be a part of that special moment. I’m sure Kellie will cherish every adventure you two have had, what a great ride! You two have made the best of every day! Prayers being sent your way.

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