Thursday – Ground Hog Day

I think I’m living that movie Ground Hog Day with Bill Murray. Hey, I know all of you have felt this way from time to time. 

It was mostly the same as yesterday with the except that Chris started his 1/2 hour to an hour a day working with the person that is taking over a large part of his work position. Those of you following will recall this was a suggestion from his wise nurse to help him keep his mind busy. He was actually a little bit of the old Chris this morning. He even did some eye-rolling at his nurse and me, that got a good giggle from both of us. That little bit of work did wipe him out for a 5 hour nap. But it was so worth it to see his spirits lifted. 

Here and there I get moments of my old Chris appearing. This morning was one of those moments. I got up, set Chris up and started my route of getting around and moving the furniture back. When I started, Chris softly said, “Just come sit next to me.” Of course, I did. When I sat down he lifted the back of my shirt and started to itch my back. This is a ritual that he did for me every morning and hasn’t been able to lately. But for some reason, this morning’s itch was the best ever in our marriage. While itching he said, “Boy, some grape juice sure sounds good. But it won’t be good coming back up.” Once our nurse came I shared with her how he seemed to be a bit back to the old Chris and he really wanted some grape juice. So in her style of how can we make this happen, she tells me to go get the sponges that she ordered for me and a shot glass of grape juice. I saw where she was going with it and had high hopes. Chris would dip the sponges (the kind that are on a stick) into the juice and suck on it like a lollipop. After a few sucks, he says to the nurse, “Let it set in there to marinate for a bit.” Anyone who knows Chris and his meat grilling talents will get this and find it humorous. Well, maybe not everyone, but I did – was he thinking it was like a meaty steak? Was it just as good tasting to him?

All in all, other than the juice and work a pretty uneventful day. We’ll take it!

A dear friend sent this saying to me and I thought it summed up Christopher so perfectly that I wanted to share.

4 comments on “Thursday – Ground Hog Day

  1. Sounds like the two of you shared a special groundhog day! Continued prayers for you both!!

  2. Thanks Kellie. We can feel you both in this – so sweet. The love and warmth. Hugs to you both.

  3. Awww…..that is SO cool Kellie and Chris. I wonder if those things that would taste so we’ll, if Chris could take them into his mouth and then spit them out, so he could enjoy the taste but not have the upset tummy to go with jt.? Just a thought. Anyway, I am SO Happy for you both that you are getting this precious time and moments together. Thinking and praying for you guys.

  4. You are so eloquent that it is like we are right there with you. Thank you again and again for sharing your days with Chris.

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