
Yesterday was an emotional day for Chris. Several friends and family stopped by and Chris isn’t one to just say goodbye, he has to have a life lesson in that goodbye speech for each person. I know it meant a lot to him to be able to do this. He was very tired all day from trying to do some wrap-up work on Monday. True Chris form, he will not leave any ends loose. 

The hospice nurse came today and highly suggested to start limiting visits to only immediate family.That it’s time for some husband/wife and dad/son time. Many of you had scheduled to stop by and we are so sorry to have to cancel. We are rescheduling using FaceTime, but still limiting it as it’s so emotional for Chris. 

Last night, we wheeled Chris’s bed over to the couch and we all watched a movie and slept in the living room together. It was like camping. Preston is planning a celebration of life for his dad because he said: “he deserves it.” No sappy service as that is not Chris. And as we all know, he is the ultimate host and would want you all to have a party on him. I will post here when that will be. 

I also located the minister that married us and did Chris’s mom’s service. She is coming today to start to do some home visits and is so honored that Chris would like her to speak at his celebration of life party. It really is the perfect full circle.

He is still mentally very alert, unfortunately, it’s his body that is shutting down. Hospice said he is in the actively declining stage which is down to days. We kind of already knew this. We are so incredibly thankful for the outpouring of love and support for my guy. Oh and all the food. You all are very good “cookers.”

10 comments on “Wednesday

  1. Chris & Kellie,

    My heart is breaking for your family. You’re in my thoughts and prayers constantly.

    Chris, I want you to how grateful I am to have met you 4 1/2 years ago. I’m especially grateful to call you family. You’re an incredible man, father & husband. Thank you for being you.

    We love you guys so much & wish we were there [[[ hugs ]]]

  2. My family was honored to get just a little more Chris time last night. We are honored to call him a dear friend. I thought about him all day, as I do most days lately, and I realized I was so overcome with emotion that I didn’t get to say what I most wanted to say to him. One of my favorite songs says “If you love someone, you should let them know that the light that they gave you will everglow.” This couldn’t be more true for a man like Chris and I want him to know that his light and kindness and generosity and humor will be carried on not only by his immediately family, but by everyone whose life he has touched. And that list is endless. We love you Chris. And we thank you so much for all of the light you have shared with this world.

  3. Hey Buddy, I want you to know this. I don’t have any idea where a guy like you comes from, and I have know idea where you will be going, but I am eternally grateful for the time that we have shared together. I don’t completely understand how the universe works or why, but our marina time together were the best days of my life. Racing jet boats, tipping glasses, or just acting like fools, I will always treasure our laughs and shenanigans. Love you brother.

  4. Hey Chris I just wanted to let you know what an honor it has been to have met you. I so appreciated all your help with the computer, phone and other things.
    You are an amazing person who seemed to have loved life. I will miss you but I know you are moving onto a better place.

  5. Thinking of you guys every day. You are in my heart. I truly admire your ability to be so open with this journey your family is on. Chris I don’t know you well but you are important to Kellie so that makes you important to me. Rest well.

  6. My prayers and heart goes out to all of you. Chris is such a nice guy, please let me know if you need anything at any time. Love you

  7. Hi Chris, I want you to know how much you you have influenced my life. My kids as well. You were my Angel that helped me in my Darkest of time. You helped me regain my self esteem and move forward with my life. I am so grateful you met Kelly. So grateful for you to have your own son. Dave is in flight . I pray he has a chance to share how you have touched his life. Know you are always in my heart my friend. I will never forget you.
    Loving you, Nancy

  8. This is a difficult journey for Chris and family. I am praying that God will embrace him because God is the source of all love. When my mother went into hospice care with metastatic cancer I had to accept her decision to stop fighting it. After her death I found a book that helped me understand the process. Please read Proof of Heaven. The author is a neurosurgeon. God be with you in your grieving🙏🏽

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